Your Body Remembers What Your Mind Forgot

The Sensations You’ve Been Avoiding Are the Key to Your Freedom

Issue 40 - Read Time: 2 minutes 33 seconds

Have you ever had a gut reaction before your mind could even process what was happening?

You hear a certain tone in someone’s voice and your whole body contracts. You see a name flash across your phone, and your stomach turns.

You walk into a space and, without knowing why, feel instantly on edge.

That’s your body speaking. And it’s not speaking in words—it’s speaking in sensation.

The body is the unconscious. It holds the entire record of your life, not as a story you can recall, but as felt experience.

In breath that suddenly catches. In a jaw that tightens.

In the subtle urge to withdraw, to please, to stay one step ahead of disappointment.

These responses aren’t arbitrary—they’re intelligent. They were shaped by something.

What we often forget is that the nervous system doesn’t store facts, events, or stories. It stores sensations.

And when a sensation is linked to something painful, scary, or overwhelming, the body will learn to shut it down.

You don’t just forget the memory—you reshape your life in a way that helps you never have to feel it again.

This is where personality so often becomes coping.

You might become the person who always has it together, who doesn’t ask for help, who avoids intimacy, or always makes things light.

You might over-explain yourself, stay busy, numb out, or keep everyone at a safe distance. These parts of you aren’t flaws.

They’re strategies—protective mechanisms designed to keep you safe in environments where feeling certain things simply wasn’t an option.

And they work. Until they don’t.

Because while these patterns can protect you, they also keep you from yourself.

Avoidance might help you stay out of pain, but it also keeps you from your full aliveness.

Control might help you feel safer, but it also cuts you off from real connection.

Numbing might spare you the sharp edges of sensation, but it also dulls your capacity for joy, pleasure, and presence.

Healing doesn’t require you to relive your trauma

but it does invite you to be with what’s already here.

When we learn to slow down, to stay connected to ourselves in the presence of difficult sensations, and when we do that in the context of support and resourcing, something begins to shift.

What once felt unbearable becomes metabolizable. The body begins to release what it was never meant to carry forever.

This is the work of integration

And it’s not about forcing or fixing. It’s about returning. About learning to relate to your body, not as a battleground, but as a wise ally who’s been trying to get your attention.

The archive of your body isn’t something to be afraid of. It’s not trying to hurt you. It’s been protecting you.

And when you learn to meet it with curiosity and care, you begin to realize that it’s been waiting for you to come home all along.

Need More Support?

If you feel like you want some extra support here are some ways Attunement and I can help you:

Thank you!

I love that you are interested in exploring yourself in the pursuit of growth and expansion. 

And I love that you are diving deeper into the unconscious patterns that limit our capacity as a species to transcend this paradigm. 

You are becoming the change you want to see in the world and that is incredibly inspiring!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey ✨✨

With Love,


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Exploring the human condition — breaking down the blockages that limit our capacity to give and receive love.


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