Change the Environment Change Your Life

Letting go creates space for change.

Issue 31 - Read Time: 3 Minutes 20 Seconds

Change the Environment Change Your Life

Growing up comes with its fair share of challenges: an aging body, mounting bills, shifting responsibilities, nostalgic longings for the past, and ever-evolving relationships.

For me, one of the hardest parts of stepping into young/middle adulthood has been navigating the gap between the life I’m striving to build and the systems, habits, and environments I need to leave behind.

There’s a bittersweet tension in yearning for an environment that supports my growth while grieving the familiar comforts I must let go of.

Today, we’ll dive into that tension—how it shapes us, challenges us, and, ultimately, transforms us.

This newsletter covers the following:

  1. The Power of Your Environment

  2. The Need for Change

  3. Accepting Grief

The Power of Your Environment

We’ve all heard the adage: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

If you’re paying attention to your life, you’ve probably noticed just how true this is. The people we surround ourselves with are a powerful part of the energy that shapes our environment.

But they’re only one piece of the puzzle.

Your environment is also made up of the food you eat, the geography of your hometown, the arrangement of your physical home, the content you consume, the books you read, the way you move your body, the quality of your sleep—and so much more.

Every one of these factors influences how you show up in the world.

And here’s the most exciting part: changing even one of them can shift the entire system in which you operate.

The Need for Change

Change is not just inevitable; it’s essential for growth.

As ever-evolving beings, we are always in motion—physically, emotionally, and mentally. What once served you well may no longer align with the person you are becoming.

Clinging to outdated habits, relationships, or environments can leave you feeling stuck, like wearing a coat that’s two sizes too small.

Growth requires us to recognize when it’s time to shed the old to make space for the new—a version of ourselves better suited to embrace today’s challenges and opportunities.

But let’s be honest: change is hard.

Letting go often means releasing the comforts of the past. It might mean walking away from relationships that no longer nurture you or leaving a job that feels safe but stifling.

It could mean quitting drinking, stepping back from social scenes that no longer inspire you, or saying goodbye to routines that keep you from growing.

Sensing When It’s Time

One of the most valuable skills we can develop is learning to sense when it’s time to let go—and having the courage to actually do it.

For years, I resisted that inner knowing. I clung to behaviors and friendships that no longer supported my growth, convincing myself they were still essential. My resistance was fueled by FOMO, fear of the unknown, and, if I’m honest, a lack of self-confidence.

I didn’t trust that I could leave behind these familiar environments and still be okay.

But time and again, when I finally found the courage to release what no longer served me at a soul level and step into the unknown, I was met with profound, lasting transformation.

I believe that deep down, we all know when something no longer aligns with who we’re meant to be. It’s an inner voice whispering, nudging, or sometimes shouting for us to move forward. Acting on that knowledge requires bravery—letting go isn’t easy.

But when you do, something extraordinary happens. The space you create becomes a vacuum for possibility, and magic flows in to fill it. In that moment, you align with your ultimate purpose: evolution.

Need More Support?

If you feel like you want some extra support here are some ways Attunement and I can help you:

Thank you!

I love that you are interested in exploring yourself in the pursuit of growth and expansion. 

And I love that you are diving deeper into the unconscious patterns that limit our capacity as a species to transcend this paradigm. 

You are becoming the change you want to see in the world and that is incredibly inspiring!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey ✨✨

With Love,


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