A Paradox to Consider:

The More You Own, the More You Are Owned

Issue 36 - Read Time: 2 minutes 28 seconds

The Grind and the Reward

You work your ass off for years. You grind, sacrifice, do everything you think you have to, to get ahead. Finally, you get what you worked for—a house. A place to call your own. A place to provide for your family.

Before moving in, you spend even more. New floors, new finishes. Everything has to be perfect. If you're going to do it, might as well do it right, right?

Then, you move in. And life happens. The kids are running wild. One day, you notice a scratch on the brand-new floor.

Your stomach tightens. You hate it.

You can’t help but feel like you wasted this money because it's all going to get damaged anyway. You start wondering if you made a mistake. You’re frustrated—all that work, all that money—just for it to break down?

The Inner Conflict

Then, another voice enters your head:

"Why did you work for this anyway? Did you do it to enjoy it? Or just to protect it?"

And suddenly, there's tension. You know this frustration is ridiculous, but you can’t shake it. You worked so damn hard to get here. And now, instead of feeling free, you feel trapped.

Because the more we own, the more we are owned.

The house. The floors. The car. The investments. The status.

We spend years chasing security, but the more we have, the more we have to protect.

The more we grip, the less we enjoy.

This Isn’t Just About Money

This is where so many of us get stuck—caught in the tension between what we thought would bring happiness and the reality of how we actually feel.

And this isn’t just about money or things. It happens with relationships, too. We try so hard to hold onto what we love that we squeeze it too tightly. We mistake control for care, and in doing so, we lose the joy of simply experiencing what we have.

So What’s the Way Out?

✅ Notice when you’re gripping too tightly. Are you protecting something more than you’re experiencing it? Are you guarding something so much that you no longer enjoy it?

✅ Reframe ownership. Instead of thinking, "This is mine to protect," try "This is mine to live in." Let yourself experience what you’ve worked for rather than stress over preserving it.

✅ Invest more in experiences than things. We all know this—life experiences bring lasting fulfillment. Material things rarely do. Memories matter more than objects.

Final Thought

Maybe peace isn’t found in keeping things pristine. Maybe it’s in letting them be lived in.

What do you think? Have you ever felt this tension between ownership and freedom?

Hit reply—I’d love to hear your experience.

Need More Support?

If you feel like you want some extra support here are some ways Attunement and I can help you:

Thank you!

I love that you are interested in exploring yourself in the pursuit of growth and expansion. 

And I love that you are diving deeper into the unconscious patterns that limit our capacity as a species to transcend this paradigm. 

You are becoming the change you want to see in the world and that is incredibly inspiring!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey ✨✨

With Love,


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Exploring the human condition — breaking down the blockages that limit our capacity to give and receive love.


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